Friday, June 26, 2009

Very Excited about the Upcoming Tour de France

Tour de France – so many questions, Armstrong’s comeback, 2 defending champs (Contadora and Sastre), can Levi Leipheimer and Christian VandeVelde (Chicago’s own, CVdV’s kid was baptized by my friend, Father Larry) rebound, Menchov is hot, the Schleck brothers, Cadell Evans runner-up last 2 years? Biggest question tho – can I get the Ridgewood Tap, total blue collar dive bar, to put the TDF on one of their TVs?

I am an avid biker but I started watching, and loving, the Tour de France, years before I started biking. It was part Lance Armstrong era (altho he's not my current fav), best announcers in the business - Phil and Paul, it was like taking a 3 week tour of France in my living room each July and the mystery of biking strategy (still not completely comfortable with it) and the team aspect.

1 comment:

  1. I am excited too. I hope we get to watch some of this together.

    nice blog.

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